You can provide multiple anycast
IP address for each tenant ctag when you create or update an EPG, add ctag-range, add
VRF, and add or delete anycast IP. The multiple anycast IP address is configured under
the interface Ve
of the
switching hardware.
efa tenant epg create --name <epg-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --switchport-mode <mode> --port <port-list> --po <po-list> --ctag-range <ctag-range> --vrf <vrf-name> --anycast-ip <value> --anycast-ip <value> --anycast-ipv6 <value> --anycast-ipv6 <value>
efa tenant epg update --name <epg-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --operation vrf-add | ctag-range-add |anycast-ip-add | anycast-ip-delete| --ctag-range <ctag-range> --vrf <vrf-name> --anycast-ip <value> --anycast-ip <value> --anycast-ipv6 <value> --anycast-ipv6 <value>
The following example configures multiple anycast IP when you create an EPG:
efa tenant epg create --name e1 --tenant tenant11 --po po1 --switchport-mode trunk-no-default-native --vrf v1 --ctag-range 101-102 --anycast-ip 101: --anycast-ip 101: --anycast-ip 101: --anycast-ipv6 101:1::1/124 --anycast-ipv6 102:2::1/124
efa tenant epg show –detail ==================================================================================== Name : e1 Tenant : tenant11 Type : extension State : epgf-with-port-group-and-ctag-range Description : Ports : POs : po1 Port Property : SwitchPort Mode : trunk-no-default-native : Single-Homed BFD Session Type : Auto NW Policy : Ctag Range : 101-103 : VRF : v1 : L3Vni : 8192 +------------+-------------+-----------+------------+-------------+ | MAC ACL IN | MAC ACL OUP | IP ACL IN | IP ACL OUT | IPv6 ACL IN | +------------+-------------+-----------+------------+-------------+ POrt Property ACLs +------+--------------+-------------+ | Port | Dev State | App State | +------+--------------+-------------+ | po1 | provisionied | cfg-in-sync | +------+--------------+-------------+ Port Property States +-----+-------------+-----+----+-------------+--------+--------+------------------------+---+------+--------------+------------+-----------+-----------+ | Ctag| Ctag |L2Vni|BD |Anycast IPv4 |Anycast |Suppress| Local IP |IP |IPv6 |IPv6 ND |IPv6 ND | Dev State | App State | | | Description | |Name| |IPv6 | ARP/ND | [Device-IP->Local-IP] |MTU|MTU ND|Managed Oonfig|Other Config| | | +-----+-------------+-----+----+-------------+--------+--------+------------------------+---+------+--------------+------------+-----------+-----------| | 101 | Tenant L3 |10000| | |1::1/124| T/T |>| | | false | false |porvisioned|cfg-in-sync| | |Extended VLAN| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-------------+-----+----+-------------+--------+--------+------------------------+---+------+--------------+------------+-----------+-----------| | 102 | Tenant L3 |10001| | |2::1/124| T/T | | | | false | false |porvisioned|cfg-in-sync| | |Extended VLAN| | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-------------+-----+----+-------------+--------+--------+------------------------+---+------+--------------+------------+-----------+-----------+ Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan] +----+--------------+------------+--------------+------------------+-----------+ |Ctag|IPv6 ND Prefix|No Advertise|Valid Lifetime|Preferred Lifetime|Config Type| +----+--------------+------------+--------------+------------------+-----------+ IPv6 ND Prefix Flags +------+----------------+-------------+-----------+------------+-------------+ | Ctag | MAC ACL Prefix | MAC ACL OUT | IP ACL IN | IP ACL OUT | IPv6 ACL IN | +------+----------------+-------------+-----------+------------+-------------+ Network Property ACLs For 'unstable' entities, run 'efa tenant po/vrf show' for details show running-config interface Ve interface Ve 101 vrf forwarding v1 ip anycast-address ip anycast-address ip anycast-address ipv6 anycast-address 1::1/124 no shutdown ! interface Ve 102 vrf forwarding v1 ipv6 anycast-address 2::1/124 no shutdown ! interface Ve 4090 ip address no shutdown ! interface Ve 5120 vrf forwarding v1 ipv6 address use-link-local-only no shutdown ! | show running-config interface Ve interface Ve 101 vrf forwarding v1 ip anycast-address ip anycast-address ip anycast-address ipv6 anycast-address 1::1/124 no shutdown ! interface Ve 102 vrf forwarding v1 ipv6 anycast-address 2::1/124 no shutdown ! interface Ve 4090 ip address no shutdown ! interface Ve 5120 vrf forwarding v1 ipv6 address use-link-local-only no shutdown ! |
The following example configures multiple anycast IP when you update an EPG:
efa tenant epg update --name e1 --tenant tenant11 --operation anycast-ip-add --anycast-ip 101: show running-config interface Ve interface Ve 101 vrf forwarding v1 ip anycast-address ip anycast-address ip anycast-address ip anycast-address ipv6 anycast-address 1::1/124 no shutdown ! interface Ve 102 vrf forwarding v1 ipv6 anycast-address 2::1/124 no shutdown ! interface Ve 4090 ip address no shutdown ! interface Ve 5120 vrf forwarding v1 ipv6 address use-link-local-only no shutdown ! | show running-config interface Ve interface Ve 101 vrf forwarding v1 ip anycast-address ip anycast-address ip anycast-address ip anycast-address ipv6 anycast-address 1::1/124 no shutdown ! interface Ve 102 vrf forwarding v1 ipv6 anycast-address 2::1/124 no shutdown ! interface Ve 4090 ip address no shutdown ! interface Ve 5120 vrf forwarding v1 ipv6 address use-link-local-only no shutdown ! |